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Teeth are an essential part of the human mouth cavity, helping one to chew food, speak clearly and smile. Also, a complete set of teeth help in providing the face with a good shape. Each tooth is attached to the alveolar bone in the jaw with the help of gums. Teeth are made up of 4 layers, namely enamel, dentin, pulp and cementum. The outermost layer is enamel which also happens to be the hardest substance in the body. Second is dentin, which is softer than the layer above. Then comes the pulp, which is composed of nerves and blood vessels. Cementum is the deepest layer and is beneath the gums.

Babies have a set of 20 primary or baby teeth. These start to emerge when the baby is 6 months old, and the whole set develops by the time one reaches the age of 3 years. These sets of teeth gradually fall out as the child grows, being replaced with 28 permanent teeth by the age of 14. On reaching the late teens or early 20s, an individual gets 4 more wisdom teeth, completing the natural set of 32 teeth. These 32 teeth are a composite of 4 types of teeth which can be categorised as:

Incisors: These are located at the front of the set and attributes to a person’s smile. They are flat and relatively sharp to allow the cutting of food into smaller pieces. There are 8 incisors in the mouth.

● Canines: Canines sit firmly next to the incisors, and look like small fangs. These help tear away food, mostly meat. There are 4 of them.

● Premolars: These are next to the canines, being bigger in shape and having ridges in the centre. Food is ground and chewed with these. There are a total of 8 premolars in the mouth.

● Molars: These are the biggest of all the teeth and are located at the end of the jaw. These serve the same purpose as the premolars and are 12 in number. The ones at the complete end of the jaws are called wisdom teeth.


Teeth serve the main purpose of chewing up the food that we consume, facilitating the process of digestion. While coming in contact with the food, it also gets exposed to the bacteria from outside. Also, there’s always a layer of bacteria on the tooth, which although serves a constructive purpose but would lead to detrimental results if left to multiply. Some of the ailments of the teeth are as follows:

Tooth Decay: Tooth decay or tooth cavities, occurs when the plaque deposited on the surface of the enamel hardens further to form tartar. It’s difficult to remove tartar, which turns into a shield for the bacteria within it to continue multiplying. The acids released by these microorganisms first erode the enamel, then the dentin and finally reach the delicate pulp of the tooth. The pulp gets inflamed and this triggers a disturbing toothache and the swelling of the gums. Also, there are holes on the teeth, covered with dark brown layers of tartar.

Tooth Erosion: The enamel is the hardest substance in the body, even harder than bone. Through the years, the enamel is the topmost layer of the teeth, stay exposed to the various compounds and chemicals contained in the food that we consume. This causes erosion of this layer to wear and tear, resulting in discolouration, increased sensitivity to temperature and taste as well as cracks and chips. Consuming sugary foods, sodas and occurrence of chronic acid reflux are the most common causes of this erosion.

We, at Zyropathy, offer a combination of supplements and ointments to protect the enamel from erosion due to constant wear and tear or cavities, thus also improving the oral hygiene of our patients.

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